09 June 2008


To: Archangel Michael, Chief Captain of the Bodiless Hosts
Fr: Guardian angel for Fr. Gregory Hogg
Re: Request for transfer

My charge was driving his car, a gift from his late father, east on 68th Street to pick up his son from Craig's Cruisers after work last night. All was well, till suddenly a driver coming the other way decided to turn right into his driver's side door. It was all I could do to nudge him to the side a bit. His left arm is cut, he is covered with glass, and the car is totaled. Other than that, he is fine, thank God.

The other driver fled the scene, leaving the other car behind.

I was wondering if I might get a transfer to someone living where there are few or no cars.


Christopher D. Hall said...

Fr. Gregory--thanks be to God that you weren't injured more!

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Thanks to God indeed that you were not badly hurt.

Anastasia Theodoridis said...

thank you, God! Thank you, too, Guardian Angel!

P.S. Did the other driver get caught yet?

Fr. Gregory Hogg said...

The funny thing is, yesterday morning I was talking in Adult Bible Study about how death can come in different ways. I said, "You could die of cancer. Or you could be driving down the road, minding your own business when suddenly, 'BOOM!'" And that's just how it happened (except I didn't die).

They've not yet caught the other driver, but the car was licensed to a landscaping company. Stay tuned, as I get more details...

And thanks, everybody, for your prayers.